This programme "of a Variety Entertainment", featuring talented artwork, is duplicated from a handwritten and hand-drawn original produced on board the British battleship H.M.S. Lord Nelson. The cover features the national insignia of Canada, India, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. The entertainment comprised music and songs, plus a comedy sketch titled "Hairlock Combs, The Safe Man". H.M.S. Lord Nelson, launched in 1906, took part in the Dardanelles Campaign, bombarding Turkish forts. She became the flagship of the British Dardanelles Squadron, and Lord Kitchener made his headquarters aboard her in November 1915. Although she received some minor damage from Turkish shells, she suffered no casualties, and survived the Great War. Accompanying this programme is an original hand-drawn sketch of a rubicund seaman with "H.M.S. Lord Nelson" on his cap. Possibly by the same artist that illustrated the programme, this sketch is dated April 1916 and has the comment "Don't lose this" written beneath it. The front of the programme has the name "C. Johnson, E.A." written at the top