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- Agency1
- Audio1
- Building52
- Collection97
- Contributor...
- Location...
- MU Campuses and farms...
- Organisation...
- Albany Students' Association 1
- Extramural Students' Society 2
- Massey Agricultural College 4
- Massey University 20
- Massey University Alpine Club 1
- Massey University College 3
- Massey University College of Education Students' Association 1
- Massey University College of Manawatu 3
- Massey University Students' Association 5
- Palmerston North College of Education 3
- Palmerston North College of Education Students' Association 1
- Palmerston North Teachers College 2
- Palmerston North Teachers College Students’ Association 1
- Palmerston North Teachers College Trainees’ Association 1
- Palmerston North University College 1
- Palmerston North University College Students' Association 1
- Wellington Polytechnic 4
- Wellington Technical College 3
Show More - Subject...
- Document210
- Contributor...
- Collection...
- Autograph books 8
- Bagnall (New Zealand Research) Collection 109
- Dairy Records Archive 51
- Freemasonry 25
- Harding Collection 6
- Local History - Manawatū 14
- Massey University Archives Photograph Collection 1
- Massey University Visits 1
- Militaria Collection 25
- Opfermann 2
- Rare Books 6
- Robert Donald Anderson Collection 1
- Sport 3
- The Bulletin of the Ruapehu Ski Club 1
- Tramping 5
- Troopships 1
- Veterinary Science Rare Books 16
- W.F. Massey Collection 4
Show More - Format...
- Document 62
- Location...
- Auckland, New Zealand 2
- Awatuna, New Zealand 3
- Berlin, Germany 1
- Blenheim 1
- Cape Egmont, New Zealand 3
- Cardiff, New Zealand 3
- Cardiff, United Kingdom 1
- Carterton, New Zealand 1
- Cheltenham, New Zealand 1
- Christchurch, New Zealand 2
- Dannevirke, New Zealand 1
- Dublin, Ireland 1
- Dunedin, New Zealand 2
- Edinburgh, United Kingdom 1
- Eltham, New Zealand 1
- Featherston, New Zealand 1
- Feilding, Manawatu 3
- Flemington, New Zealand 6
- Hawera, New Zealand 1
- Inaha, New Zealand 3
- Invercagill, New Zealand 1
- Invercargill, New Zealand 2
- Italy 1
- Kaponga, New Zealand 2
- Kuku, New Zealand 1
- London, United Kingdom 1
- Manakau, New Zealand 1
- Mangatoki, New Zealand 1
- Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand 1
- New Plymouth, New Zealand 1
- Newbury, New Zealand 1
- Normanby, New Zealand 1
- Otago Peninsula, New Zealand 1
- Palmerston North, New Zealand 21
- Papatawa, New Zealand 1
- Riverton, New Zealand 6
- Rotorua, New Zealand 1
- Shannon, New Zealand 2
- Taihape, New Zealand 1
- Tangiwai, Central Plateau, North Island, New Zealand 1
- Taupo, New Zealand 1
- Te Pōrere 1
- Te Rehunga, New Zealand 2
- Trentham Military Camp 1
- Trentham Military Camp, New Zealand 1
- Utiku, New Zealand 1
- Waitohi, New Zealand 1
- Wellington, New Zealand 4
- Whakaari/White Island, New Zealand 1
- Windsor, United Kingdom 1
Show More - Organisation...
- Manawatu Competitions Society 1
- 4th Armoured Brigade, New Zealand Army 1
- Alexander Turnbull Library 1
- Ashburton Cheese and Butter Factory Company 2
- Awatuna Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 3
- Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 3
- Cardiff Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 3
- Carrington Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Central National Registration Office 1
- Cheddar Valley Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Cheltenham Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Deutsches Rotes Kreuz 1
- Eastern Bay of Plenty Co-operative Milk Producers, Limited 1
- Eltham Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 1
- Farmers' Dairy Federation, Limited 1
- Flemington Cheese and Butter Factory Company 2
- German Red Cross 1
- Hakaru Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Hillsborough Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- Kuku-Manakau Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Lactose Company of New Zealand 1
- League of Nations - New Zealand 2
- Mangatoki Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Massey Agricultural College 6
- Massey Agricultural College Students' Association 1
- Massey University 6
- Moa Farmers’ Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- New Zealand Armed Forces 2
- New Zealand Army 2 NZEF 14 Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment 1
- New Zealand Defence Force 2
- New Zealand Returned Services Association (N.Z.R.S.A) or RSA 1
- Normanby Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 1
- Northern Roller Milling Company, Limited 1
- Nukuhou Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Opotiki Dairy Association, Limited 7
- Otago Peninsula Co-operative Cheese Factory Company 1
- Palmerston North City Council 2
- Palmerston North University College 1
- Papatawa Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Riverdale Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 3
- Shannon Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- Taihape Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Tamaki Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- Te Kaha Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Toa Toa Diairy Company, Limited 1
- United Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Waiotahi Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Waitohi Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 1
- Wellington Meat Export Company, Limited 1
Show More - Subject...
- 50th Jubilee 3
- 50th Jubilee - Massey University 3
- Adolf Hitler 1
- Agricultural Science 1
- Amalgamations 1
- Apartheid 1
- Autograph books 1
- Awatuna Co-operative Dairy Company - Awards 3
- Bequests 1
- Butter 20
- By-laws 3
- Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company 1
- Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company - Rules and practice 1
- Cardiff Co-operative Dairy Factory Company 3
- Cardiff Co-operative Dairy Factory Company - By-laws 2
- Cardiff Co-operative Dairy Factory Company - Rules and practice 2
- Carrington Co-operative Dairy Company - By-laws 1
- Carrington Co-operative Dairy Company - Rules and practice 1
- Casein 2
- Chair of Agriculture 1
- Cheddar cheese 5
- Cheese 11
- Cheesemaking 6
- Cheesemaking - New Zealand 6
- Cheltenham Co-operative Dairy Company - Rules and practice 1
- Christmas cards 1
- Dairy companies - New Zealand 1
- Dairy products industry - Mergers - New Zealand - South Taranaki District 1
- Dairy products industry - New Zealand - South Taranaki District - Mergers 2
- Dairy products industry - New Zealand - Stratford District - Mergers 2
- Dairying - New Zealand - Manawatū 1
- Dairying - New Zealand - Northland 1
- Dairying - New Zealand - Taranaki 1
- Dairying - New Zealand - Woodville 1
- Dairying, Co-operative, New Zealand, Bay of Plenty Region - History 8
- Domesticity 1
- Eastern Bay of Plenty Co-operative Milk Producers, Limited - History 1
- Education 1
- Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company 1
- Eltham Co-operative Dairy Factory Company 3
- Enrolment Statistics 1
- Exports 2
- Farewells 1
- Farmers' Dairy Federation - Rules and practice 1
- Feilding - New Zealand 1
- Flour 1
- Flour milling - New Zealand 1
- Freemasons - New Zealand 25
- Fundraising 1
- Gardens 3
- Governor-General visit 1
- Hakaru Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited - History 1
- Hillsborough Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited - Rules and practice 1
- History 1
- Home making 1
- Horticulture 3
- Hydro electricity 1
- Identification cards - Great Britain 1
- Illuminated script 3
- Imports - New Zealand 1
- Indo-China Reconstruction Committee 1
- Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Company - Amalgamation 1
- Kuku-Manakau Co-operative Dairy Company - Rules and practice 1
- Lactose Company of New Zealand - by-laws 1
- Lactose Company of New Zealand - rules and practive 1
- Land tenure 1
- Linguistics 1
- Mana whenua 4
- Mangatoki Co-operative Dairy Company Limited - Amalgamation 1
- Manu whenua 1
- Masons 2
- Memorial plaque 2
- Mergers 3
- Methodist Church 1
- Militaria 2
- Moa Farmers’ Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited - History 1
- Māori 1
- Natural disasters 1
- Nazi Germany 1
- New Plymouth Boys' High School 1
- New Zealand - Colonial History 8
- New Zealand Army 1
- New Zealand Army Military life Anecdotes 1
- New Zealand Land Wars 1
- New Zealand flax 1
- New Zealand native birds 1
- New Zealand religion 2
- Normanby Co-operative Dairy Factory Company 3
- Nursing Studies 1
- Oanui Co-operative Dairy Company 1
- Olympic Games 1
- Opotiki Dairy Association, Limited - History 7
- Opunake Co-operative Dairy Company 1
- Palmerston North City Council Loan 1966 2
- Palmerston North University College Farewell Dinner 1
- Papatawa Co-operative Dairy Company - History 1
- Pioneering life - New Zealand 1
- Power station 1
- Prime Minister Sidney George Holland visit 1
- Privy Council 1
- Railroads - Branch lines - New Zealand - Taranaki 1
- Railroads and state - New Zealand - Taranaki 1
- Rangitāne 1
- Rangitīkei 1
- Recipes 1
- Refugee children - New Zealand 1
- Religion 1
- Riverdale Co-operative Dairy Factory Company - Rules of Practice 1
- Roll of honour 2
- Royal Tour 1953-54 1
- Royal Visitors - New Zealand 1
- Ruahine (Ship) 1
- Rugby 2
- Shannon Co-operative Dairy Company - Rules and practice 1
- Sir Thomas Overbury (1581-1613) 1
- Socks for Soldiers | World War (1914-1918) | Artists 1
- Soldiers' writings, New Zealand 7
- Soldiers--1940-1970 2
- Soldiers--New Zealand 3
- Sport 2
- Stratford Co-operative Dairy Company 2
- Student amenities 1
- Students 2
- Taihape (N.Z.) - Rangitikei District - History 1
- Taihape Co-operative Dairy Company - Rules and practice 1
- Taxes 1
- Te Pūtahi-ā-Toi 1
- Te Reo Māori 1
- Third Reich 1
- Tāngata whenua 5
- United Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited - History 1
- Valuation report 1
- Veterinary Science 13
- Veterinary education 8
- Vietnam War 1
- Visitors 1
- Visits 2
- Volcanoes - New Zealand 1
- W. Colenso 1
- WWII 1
- Waikato Winter Show Association Incorporated 2
- Waitohi Co-operative Dairy Factory Company - Rules and practice 1
- Walter Buchanan Chair of Agriculture 1
- Wellington Meat Export Company - Rules and practice 1
- World War I 10
- World War II 16
- World War, 1939-1945 - New Zealand 2
Show More - MU Campuses and farms...
- Agency...
- Department of Nursing Studies 1
- Eastern Bay of Plenty Co-operative Milk Producers, Limited 1
- Hakaru Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Hillsborough Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Leopold H. Collinson 1
- Moa Farmers’ Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Opotiki Dairy Association, Limited 7
- Palmerston North University College 1
- Papatawa Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- United Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Series...
- Awatuna Co-operative Dairy Company Items Received By The Company 3
- Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company Jubilees 1
- Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company Legal Documents 2
- Cardiff Co-operative Dairy Factory Company Legal Documents 3
- Carrington Co-operative Dairy Company Legal Documents 1
- Cheltenham Co-operative Dairy Company Legal Documents 1
- Eastern Bay of Plenty Co-operative Milk Producers, Limited Jubilees 1
- Eltham Co-operative Dairy Factory Company Legal Documents 1
- Farmers' Dairy Federation Legal Documents 1
- Hakaru Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited Jubilees 1
- Health and Safety 1
- Hillsborough Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited Legal Documents 1
- Historical Material 6
- James Skerman Collection 1
- Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Company Legal Documents 2
- Kuku-Manakau Co-operative Dairy Company Legal Documents 1
- Lactose Company of New Zealand. Legal documents 1
- Mangatoki Co-operative Dairy Company Legal Documents 1
- Massey University HeritageFacts and Statistics 1
- Moa Farmers’ Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited Jubilees 1
- Normanby Co-operative Dairy Factory Company Legal Documents 1
- Northern Roller Milling Company. Publications 1
- Opotiki Dairy Association, Limited Jubilees 7
- Otago Peninsula Co-operative Cheese Factory Company Minute Books 1
- Papatawa Co-operative Dairy Company Jubilees 1
- Registrar's Files 1
- Riverdale Co-operative Dairy Factory Company Legal Documents 3
- Shannon Co-operative Dairy Company Legal Documents 2
- Taihape Co-operative Dairy Company Legal Documents 1
- Tamaki Co-operative Dairy Company Minute Books 2
- United Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited Jubilees 1
- Vice-Chancellor's Files 2
- Waitohi Co-operative Dairy Factory Company. Legal documents 1
- Wellington Meat Export Company Legal Documents 1
Show More
- Event4
- Exhibition12
- Image4983
- Contributor...
- Collection...
- A.B. Robertson Milking Machines Photographs 1
- Bagnall (New Zealand Research) Collection 157
- Boyd Jones Photographic Collection 6
- Central Photographic Unit Photograph Collection 15
- Chrys (George Chrystal) cartoons 74
- Crown Dairy Factory Company photograph albums 1
- Dairy Records Archive 693
- Dalsukh Patel Photographic Collection 7
- Featherston Military Camp 1
- Freemasonry 2
- George Chrystal (Chrys) cartoons 3
- Gordon Collier Photographic Collection 2
- H.M. Sievwright 1
- Harding Collection 2
- Ira Cunningham Photographic Collection 7
- Joanna Elliott Photographic Collection 40
- John Carnahan Photographic Collection 6
- L-1-57, Jim Pollok Photographic Collection 25
- L-1-57, Jim Pollok Photographical Collection 1
- L-1-57, Jim Pollok, Photographic Collection 1
- Local History - Manawatū 52
- Massey University Archives Gramophone Record Collection 1
- Massey University Archives Photograph Collection 3682
- Massey University Photograph Albums 1
- Massey University Rugby Football Club Photographic Collection 5
- Militaria Collection 119
- N-2.29, Jim Pollok 8
- N-2.29, Jim Pollok 4
- N-2.29, Jim Pollok 1
- Neil Campbell Papers 2
- New Zealand Institutions photographs 701
- New Zealand history 1
- Opfermann 9
- Palmerston North College of Education Photograph Collection 3
- R.B. Denton Photographic Collection 12
- Rodney I. Finch Photographic Collection 13
- Shirley Welch Photographic Collection 7
- Sport 7
- Tramping 12
- Troopships 24
- Unidentified institutions 3
- Veterinary Science Rare Books 2
- W.F. Massey Collection 14
- W.F. Massey Photographic Collection 11
- Waverley Co-operative Dairy Factory Company Photographs 2
- Wellington Polytechnic Photograph Collection 1
- William Albert Jacques Photographic Collection 74
- William Riddet Photographic Collection 43
- Works of Art, Framed and Pictorial Material 1
Show More - Format...
- Cartoon 77
- Painting 1
- Photograph - Contact Print 1
- Photograph - Digital 676
- Photograph - Glass Plate Negative 4
- Photograph - Negative 18
- Photograph - Newsprint 2
- Photograph - Photocopy 21
- Photograph - Print 4004
- Photograph – Digital 7
- Postcard 168
Show More - Location...
- Aparima, New Zealand 1
- Arakihi Hill, New Zealand 1
- Auckland, New Zealand 582
- Aulsebrooks Building 1
- Awahuri, New Zealand 1
- Awatuna, New Zealand 2
- Ballance, New Zealand 4
- Ballykelly Forest, Limavady, Northern Ireland 1
- Bangor, United Kingdom 1
- Bell Block, New Zealand 11
- Broadway, Palmerston North 1
- Bulls, New Zealand 21
- Bunnythorpe, New Zealand 34
- Cairo, Egypt 1
- Cape Kidnappers, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand 4
- Carlaw Park, Auckland, New Zealand 2
- Carrick Rocks Footbridge, Limavady, Northern Ireland 1
- Carterton, New Zealand 1
- Cashel Street 1
- Cheal Road, Ngaere, Stratford District 1
- Cheltenham, New Zealand 4
- Cheviot district, New Zealand 1
- Christchurch 1
- Christchurch, New Zealand 2
- Clandeboye, New Zealand 1
- Dannevirke, New Zealand 17
- Douglas Road, Stratford District, New Zealand 1
- Drenagh Estate, Limavady, Northern Ireland 1
- Dumfries, Scotland 1
- Dunedin, New Zealand 2
- Elsthorpe, New Zealand 3
- Eltham, New Zealand 1
- Featherston Military Camp, New Zealand 8
- Featherston, New Zealand 24
- Featherston, Wairarapa, New Zealand 9
- Feilding, New Zealand 19
- Fitzherbert Avenue, Palmerston North 2
- Flemington, New Zealand 1
- Foxton, New Zealand 1
- Gisborne, New Zealand 2
- Glasgow, Scotland 2
- Glen Oroua, New Zealand 2
- Greytown, New Zealand 6
- Hamburg, Germany 1
- Hamilton, New Zealand 2
- Hannah Dairy Research Insitute, Kirkhill, Ayr 1
- Hastings, New Zealand 1
- Hawarden, New Zealand 1
- Hawera, New Zealand 2
- Hawkes Bay, New Zealand 10
- Heilsbronn, Germany 1
- Hikurangi, New Zealand 1
- Himatangi Beach, New Zealand 2
- Himatangi, New Zealand 2
- Hopelands, New Zealand 2
- Huiarua, New Zealand 1
- Hurford Road, New Plymouth District, New Zealand 1
- Inaha, New Zealand 2
- Inglewood, New Zealand 5
- Kahui, New Zealand 1
- Kaitawa, New Zealand 3
- Kakahi, New Zealand 2
- Kakaramea, New Zealand 1
- Kaponga, New Zealand 4
- Kaupokonui, New Zealand 4
- Khon Kaen, Thailand 13
- Kimbolton, Feilding 1
- Kinleith, New Zealand 1
- Kiritaki, New Zealand 1
- Konini, New Zealand 11
- Lake Rotomahana and Mount Tarawera, North Island, New Zeland 2
- Lake Rotomahana and Waimangu, North Island, New Zealand 1
- Lake Tarawera, North Island 1
- Lake Tūtira, New Zealand 1
- Lake Waikaremoana, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand 2
- Leith Road, South Taranaki District, New Zealand 1
- Levin, New Zealand 1
- Limavady, Northern Ireland 5
- London, England 2
- London, United Kingdom 2
- Londonderry, Northern Ireland 1
- Longburn, New Zealand 7
- Lyttleton Harbour, New Zealand 1
- MaGilligan, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland 1
- Maharahara, New Zealand 1
- Makairo, New Zealand 1
- Makuri, New Zealand 1
- Mamaku, New Zealand 1
- Manawatu Gorge, Woodville 2
- Manawatu, New Zealand 1
- Manawatu-Wanganui Region 1
- Manawatū Campus 1
- Manawatū, New Zealand 1
- Mangaere, New Zealand 1
- Mangamaire, New Zealand 1
- Mangamutu, New Zealand 10
- Mangamutu, Tararua District, New Zealand 1
- Mangatainoka, New Zealand 8
- Mangaweka, New Zealand 1
- Mangorei, New Zealand 2
- Manutahi, New Zealand 1
- Mapuia, Wellington, New Zealand 1
- Massey University, Palmerston North 14
- Masterton, New Zealand 23
- Matangi, New Zealand 1
- Matapiro, New Zealand 1
- Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand 5
- Mount Taranaki, New Zealand 1
- Mount Tarawera, North Island, New Zealand 1
- Moutoti, New Zealand 1
- Napier, New Zealand 1
- National Park, New Zealand 2
- New Plymouth, New Zealand 3
- New Zealand 21
- Ngaere, New Zealand 1
- Ngawapurua, New Zealand 15
- Nireaha, New Zealand 6
- Nireaha, New Zealand. 1
- Normanby, New Zealand 1
- Norsewood, New Zealand 5
- Oakura, New Zealand 1
- Ohotu, New Zealand 2
- Ohutu, New Zealand 1
- Okato, New Plymouth District 1
- Opotiki, New Zealand 5
- Opua Road, South Taranaki District, New Zealand 1
- Opunake, New Zealand 1
- Orari, New Zealand 2
- Otago Peninsula, New Zealand 3
- Otakeho, New Zealand 1
- Otaki, New Zealand 1
- Oxford Road, New Plymouth District, New Zealand 1
- Paeroa, New Zealand 2
- Pahautea, New Zealand 6
- Pahiatua, New Zealand 22
- Palmerston North 6
- Palmerston North, New Zealand 3205
- Patutahi, New Zealand 1
- Pihama, New Zealand 3
- Poverty Bay, New Zealand 1
- Pretoria, South Africa 1
- Puketoi, New Zealand 3
- Pungarehu, New Zealand 19
- Punjab, India 10
- Rahotu, New Zealand 2
- Rai Valley, New Zealand 3
- Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North 1
- Rangitikei, New Zealand 7
- Ratanui, New Zeland 1
- River Roe, Limavady, Northern Ireland 3
- Rongotea, New Zealand 5
- Rotorua, New Zealand 2
- Shannon, New Zealand 5
- Skeet Road, New Zealand 4
- Somerset, England 1
- South Taranaki District, New Zealand 1
- South Waikato District, New Zealand 1
- Springfield Farm, Otago Peninsula, New Zealand 5
- St George Hotel, Wellington 1
- Taihape, New Zealand 5
- Taihape. New Zealand 1
- Taikorea, New Zealand 1
- Taoroa, New Zealand 2
- Taranaki, New Zealand 7
- Tararua District, New Zealand 4
- Tataraimaka, New Zealand 10
- Tauherenikau Military Camp, New Zealand 1
- Taumarunui, New Zealand 2
- Taungatara, New Zealand 1
- Taupo, New Zealand 1
- Te Anau, New Zealand 1
- Te Awamutu, New Zealand 1
- Te Hana, New Zealand 6
- Te Horo, New Zealand 3
- Te Mata Peak, New Zealand 2
- Te Puke, New Zealand 3
- Te Rehenga, Tararua District, New Zealand 3
- Te Rehunga, New Zealand 118
- Te Rehunga, Tararua District, New Zealand 3
- Te Rehunga. New Zealand 1
- The Esplanade, Palmerston North 1
- The Hague, Netherlands 2
- The Square, Palmerston North 13
- Timaru, New Zealand 1
- Tiniroto, New Zealand 1
- Toko, New Zealand 1
- Tokomaru Bay, New Zealand 3
- Tokoroa, New Zealand 75
- Tokoroa, South Waikato District New Zealand 1
- Tokoroa,New Zealand 1
- Tongariro National Park, New Zealand 1
- Tongariro, New Zealand 2
- Trentham Military Camp 3
- Trentham Military Camp, New Zealand 17
- Trentham, Upper Hutt, New Zealand 6
- Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand 3
- Trentham, Wellington, New Zealand 1
- United Kingdom 11
- Utiku, New Zealand 1
- Utiku, New Zealand 2
- Waiaruhe, New Zealand 1
- Waikouaiti, New Zealand 1
- Waimangu Volcanic Valley, North Island, New Zealand 2
- Waiouru, New Zealand 1
- Wairarapa, New Zealand 1
- Waitapuae, New Zealand 1
- Wallaceville, Upper Hutt 2
- Wellington, New Zealand 63
- Whakarewarewa, New Zealand 2
- Whanganui, New Zealand 2
- White Cliffs, New Plymouth District, New Zealand 1
- Woodville, New Zealand 10
Show More - Organisation...
- 1946- 31 December 1966 1
- A.B. Robertson Milking Machines 1
- Agricultural Machinery Research Centre 10
- Albertland Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 6
- Amalgamated Co-operative Dairy Company (Pahiatua), Limited 10
- Amalgamated Co-operative Dairy Company (Wairarapa), Limited 13
- Aparima Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 1
- Ashburton Cheese and Butter Factory Company 2
- Awahuri Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 1
- Awatuna Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- Ballance Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 8
- Barry's Bay Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 1
- Bay of Plenty Co-operative Dairy Association Limited 3
- Bell Block Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 11
- Bennetts University Book Centre 1
- Bidwill Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 6
- Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 22
- Centre for University Extramural Studies 3
- Cheltenham Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 19
- Clandeboye Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Co-operative Dairy Producers' Freezing Company, Limited 1
- Crown Dairy Factory Company 32
- Crown Diary Factory Company 1
- Dairy Farmers' Union 3
- Dairy Industry Costs Adjustment Committee 1
- Dairy Research Institute (N.Z.) 4
- Dalgety and Company, Limited 1
- Dannevirke Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Devonport Rugby League 1
- Dominion Producers Co-operative Agency, Limited 1
- Egmont Box Company, Limited 89
- Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Farm Products Co-operative (Tararua) Limited 1
- Featherston Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 6
- Federated Farmers 1
- Flemington Cheese and Butter Factory Company 2
- Fruit Crops Unit 2
- Glaxo Laboratories (N.Z.) 1
- Glaxo Manufacturing Company (N.Z.) Limited 11
- Glen Oroua Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- Greytown-Wairarapa Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 7
- Guaranteed Price Advisory Commission 1
- Hawarden Saleyards Company, Limited 1
- Hopelands Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- James McAllister Collection 1
- Joseph Nathan & Sons 23
- Kaitawa Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- Kakaramea Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 5
- Kaupokonui Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 4
- Kiritaki Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 4
- Konini Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa 1
- Makino Butter Factory 1
- Manawatu Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 6
- Mangorei Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- Manutahi Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Massey Agricultural College 885
- Massey Agricultural College Tramping Club 5
- Massey College 37
- Massey Indoor Basketball Club 1
- Massey University 2500
- Massey University College of Manawatu 37
- Massey University Drama Society 23
- Massey University Football Club 3
- Massey University Hockey Club 8
- Massey University Rugby Football Club 39
- Massey University Staff Club 1
- Massey University Students' Association 78
- Massey University Veterinary Students Association 7
- Massey University of Manawatu 63
- Masterton Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 3
- Moa Farmers’ Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 5
- New Zealand Armed Forces 23
- New Zealand Dairy Board 42
- New Zealand Dairy Products Marketing Commission 1
- New Zealand Defence Force 38
- New Zealand Farmers' Dairy Union 1
- New Zealand Grasslands Association 1
- New Zealand Institute of Chemistry 5
- New Zealand Milk Products Limited 1
- New Zealand Rugby League 1
- New Zealand army 1
- Nireaha Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 7
- Normanby Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Norsewood Co-operative Dairy Company 5
- Oakura Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 6
- Opotiki Dairy Association 5
- Orari Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- Otago Peninsula Co-operative Cheese Factory Company 2
- Otaki Dairy Company 3
- Pahiatua Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 5
- Palmerston North College of Education 11
- Palmerston North Teachers' College 13
- Palmerston North University College 3
- Patua Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 10
- Pihama Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Rahotu Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Rai Valley Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 3
- Rangitikei Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 32
- Rexdale Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- Riverbank Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 12
- Riverdale Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 2
- Rongotea Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 5
- Royal New Zealand Air Force 1
- Ruahine Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 4
- Ruahine Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 58
- Seed Technology Centre 1
- Shannon Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 5
- Souness Family Collection 2
- Springfield Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Stephen Mitchell & Son 1
- Taieri and Peninsula Milk Supply Company of Dunedin 1
- Taihape Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 12
- Tamaki Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 21
- Tamaki-Kiritaki Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 58
- Te Awamutu Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Te Horo Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Te Rehunga School 9
- Thames Valley Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 2
- The Forest and Bird Protection Society 1
- The Salvation Army 1
- Thomas Borthwick & Sons (A'Asia), Limited 21
- Tui Co-operative Dairy Company [Pahiatua], Limited 1
- Tui Co-operative Dairy Company [Pahiatua], Limited 1
- Tui Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 16
- Tui Milk Products, Limited 1
- UniQ 1
- Unidentified 3
- University of Pretoria 1
- Waiaruhe Co-operative Dairy company, Limited 1
- Waikouaiti Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
- Waitara Taranaki Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 3
- Waverley Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited 2
- Wellington Dairy Farmers Co-operative Association, Limited 1
- Wellington Polytechnic 2
- Wellington Technical College 1
- Woodville Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited 1
Show More - Subject...
- Dairying - New Zealand - Tararua District - Te Rehunga 2
- Executives - New Zealand - South Waikato District - Tokoroa 2
- Wooden box industries - New Zealand - South Waikato District - Tokoroa 2
- Wooden box industries - New Zealand - South Waikato District - Tokoroa. 2
- 1953 Flood 7
- 2004 Flood 35
- 50th Jubilee 42
- 50th Jubilee - Massey University 42
- 75th Jubilee 17
- 75th Jubilee - Massey University 17
- Academic regalia 6
- Academic staff 2
- Aerial Photographs 10
- Aerial photographs 138
- Aerial photographs - New Zealand - South Waikato District - Tokoroa. 2
- Agricultural College Library 4
- Agricultural College Library - interior 4
- Agricultural Science 143
- Agricultural Science education 146
- Agricultural Science research 3
- Agricultural education - New Zealand 5
- Agricultural equipment 6
- Agricultural machinery 6
- Agricultural scientists 31
- Agricultural trade, Japan 7
- Agricultural trade, New Zealand 12
- Agriculture - equipment 2
- Agriculture - pasture 17
- Agriculture - weeds 2
- Agriculture and Horticulture 7
- Ahu whenua 13
- Albany Campus opening 4
- Albertland Co-operative Dairy Company - Factory opening, 1934 3
- Alpine accommodation 2
- Alumni 3
- Animal Physiology education 2
- Architect - Roy Lippincott 20
- Architecture - American Prairie School 19
- Army 6
- Army Staff College 4
- Art - New Zealand 3
- Art Collection - Massey University 2
- Athletic and Harrier Club 5
- Athletics 7
- Athletics track 3
- Australian immigrants - New Zealand 2
- Awards - Massey Medal 4
- Band saws 2
- Banking 2
- Bas-relief 2
- Basketball - Men's 3
- Bennetts Bookshop 2
- Bicycle 3
- Bicycle stand 3
- Bidwill Co-operative Dairy Company - Suppliers 2
- Boards of directors - New Zealand - Tararua District 6
- Boards of directors - New Zealand - Tararua District - Kiritaki 2
- Boards of directors - New Zealand - Tararua District - Pahiatua 2
- Book launches - Massey University 3
- Bridges, New Zealand 16
- British Society of Dairy Technology 2
- Brutalism (Architecture) 2
- Building construction - New Zealand 1037
- Building decoration 7
- Building sites 33
- Buildings 156
- Buildings - interior 160
- Bullock-drawn vehicles 3
- Bush clearing - New Zealand 6
- Butter - New Zealand 3
- Butter - Packaging - New Zealand 2
- Butter churn 5
- Butter factories - Manawatu-Wanganui Region 2
- Butter factories - New Zealand - Manawatu 2
- Butter factories - New Zealand - Tararua District 2
- Butter factories, Manawatu-Wanganui Region 2
- Butter making 8
- Butter production machinery 2
- Butter production machinery, Manawatu-Wanganui Region 3
- Butter production machinery, Tararua District 2
- Butter production machinery, Te Rehunga 3
- Butter production, Featherston 2
- Butter production, South Wairarapa District 2
- Butter production, Wellington Region 2
- COVID-19 Pandemic - Working from home - Massey University 5
- Calorifier 3
- Campus Life 2
- Campus book shop 3
- Campus gardens 45
- Campus infrastructure 14
- Campus retail facilities 4
- Campus scenes 280
- Campus shops 2
- Capping 21
- Capping Parade 17
- Capping Revue 6
- Capping procession 7
- Car parking 5
- Car parks - Massey University - Palmerston North 5
- Cars 4
- Casein - New Zealand - Tararua District - Te Rehunga 11
- Cattle - New Zealand 2
- Cattle grid 2
- Cattle stop 2
- Cheese factories - New Zealand - Kapiti Coast District - Te Horo 3
- Cheese factories - New Zealand - South Taranaki District - Kaponga 2
- Cheese factories - New Zealand - Tararua District 2
- Cheese factories - New Zealand - Tararua District - Hopelands 2
- Cheese factories - New Zealand - Tararua District - Ngawapurua 2
- Cheese factories - New Zealand - Tararua District - Nireaha - Employees 2
- Cheese factories - New Zealand - Tararua District - Te Rehunga 3
- Cheese factories - New Zealand - Tararua District - Woodville 3
- Cheese factories -New Zealand - Tararua District - Ngawapurua 3
- Cheese making 5
- Cheesemakers - New Zealand - Otago 3
- Cheesemaking 2
- Cheesemaking - New Zealand - Tararua District - Te Rehunga 3
- Cheesemaking - New Zealand Tararua District - Ngawapurua 2
- Cheesemaking, Equipment and supplies - New Zealand - Dunedin City -Otago Peninsula 2
- Christmas 2020 - Manawatū Campus Library 5
- Christmas decorations 5
- Christmas tree 2
- Churns 6
- College of Education 2
- College printery 3
- Colombo Plan 37
- Computer facilities 2
- Computerised library catalogue 2
- Concourse 7
- Condensors, Bunnythorpe 5
- Cows, New Zealand 4
- Cream separators 4
- Cream separators - New Zealand - Tararua District 2
- Creameries - New Zealand - Horowhenua District - Shannon - Directors. 2
- Creameries - New Zealand - Manawatu District - Feilding 2
- Creameries - New Zealand - New Plymouth District 2
- Creameries - New Zealand - New Plymouth District - Waitara - Buildings 2
- Creameries - New Zealand - South Taranaki District 10
- Creameries - New Zealand - Stratford District 2
- Creameries - New Zealand - Stratford District - Ngaere 2
- Creameries - New Zealand - Tararua District 2
- Creameries - New Zealand - Tararua District - Norsewood 2
- Creameries - New Zealand - Western Bay of Plenty - Te Puke 3
- Crosscut saws 3
- Crown Dairy Factory Company 3
- Crown Dairy Factory Company - Buildings 26
- Cycling 2
- Dairy Research Institute (N.Z.) 47
- Dairy Research Institute (N.Z.) - staff 2
- Dairy factories - New Zealand - Rodney District - Te Hana 5
- Dairy factories - New Zealand - Tararua District - Te Rehunga 5
- Dairy factories - equipment and supplies 4
- Dairy factories, Bunnythorpe 2
- Dairy factories, Featherston 4
- Dairy factories, Machinery, Manawatu-Wanganui Region 2
- Dairy factories, Machinery,Manawatu District 4
- Dairy factories, Machinery,Manawatu-Wanganui Region 3
- Dairy factories, Manawatu District 2
- Dairy factories, Manawatu-Wanganui Region 6
- Dairy farmers - New Zealand - Otago 2
- Dairy farming - New Zealand 5
- Dairy farming education 4
- Dairy products industry, Thailand 2
- Dairy research - New Zealand 27
- Dairy scientists 26
- Dairy sheds - New Zealand 4
- Dairying - New Zealand - Tararua District - Te Rehunga 5
- Dairying - New Zealand - Tararua District - Te Rehunga 2
- Dining halls 4
- Diploma in Sheep Farming 4
- Direct drill 4
- Directors of corporations - New Zealand - South Taranaki District 2
- Directors of corporations - New Zealand - Horowhenua District - Shannon 2
- Directors of corporations - New Zealand - Opotiki District 5
- Distance Library Service 2
- Distance education 5
- Drama 62
- Draught horses 5
- Dried milk factories, Bunnythorpe 2
- Dried milk factories, Machinery, Manawatu District 4
- Dried milk factories, Machinery, Manawatu-Wanganui Region 4
- Dried milk factories, Manawatu District 6
- Dried milk factories, Manawatu-Wanganui Region 7
- Dried milk factory 2
- Dried milk factory, Bunnythorpe 2
- Dried milk factory, Machinery, Bunnythorpe 2
- Dried milk factory, Manawatu District 2
- Dried milk factory, Manawatu-Wanganui Region 2
- Dried milk packing, Manawatu District 2
- Dried milk packing, Manawatu-Wanganui Region 2
- Dwellings - New Zealand - South Waikato District - Tokoroa. 2
- Edison Electric trucks - New Zealand - Manawatu District 2
- Education, Elementary - New Zealand - Tararua District 6
- Education, Primary - New Zealand - Tararua District - Te Rehunga 11
- Electric vehicles 2
- Event - COVID-19 lockdown 12
- Event - Central Districts Field Days 3
- Event - Drama 53
- Event - Installations, Inaugurations, Welcome ceremonies 25
- Event - Openings and Inaugurations 39
- Event - Rugby 2
- Event - Sports 7
- Event - Tramping 6
- Event - Visits 21
- Event - Visits - King Juan Carlos 4
- Events and activities 53
- Executives - New Zealand - Manawatu District - Makino 3
- Executives - New Zealand - South Waikato District - Tokoroa 2
- Executives - New Zealand - Tararua District - Pahiatua 2
- Farewells 5
- Farm buildings 2
- Farm tour 3
- Farm tractors 6
- Farm visit - students 3
- Farm workers 2
- Farming - New Zealand 3
- Farming of cows 3
- Farms 22
- Farms - Massey Agricultural College 5
- Featherston Military Camp 10
- Field Trip 7
- Film 5
- Fitzherbert Bridge 4
- Flood 1953 8
- Floods - New Zealand 40
- Food Technology 7
- Food Technology education 8
- Forklifts trucks - New Zealand - South Waikato District - Tokoroa 3
- Freemasons - New Zealand 2
- Fruit tree spraying 3
- Funerals 6
- Garden furniture 4
- Gardens 9
- Gardens - Massey Agricultural College 36
- Gardens - Massey University 44
- Gifts - Massey University 3
- Golf - Female players 4
- Government House 2
- Graduation 21
- Graduation - Veterinary Science 2
- Graduation Ceremony 4
- Graduation parade 10
- Greytown-Wairarapa Co-operative Dairy Company - Directors 4
- Greytown-Wairarapa Co-operative Dairy Company - Employees - Pictures 5
- Group photographs 54
- Hayseed Ball 3
- Hepareita kirīmi 2
- Hepareita kirīmi - Aotearoa - Tararua - Pahiatua 2
- Herd Testing 5
- Herd Testing - training 3
- Hiking 5
- Hockey field 2
- Homesteads 6
- Homesteads - Massey Agricultural College 49
- Homesteads - Massey University 79
- Homesteads - Palmerston North 54
- Honorary Awards 12
- Honorary doctorates 6
- Horse drawn vehicles - New Zealand - Tararua District 2
- Horse stables 2
- Horse-drawn vehicles 10
- Horse-drawn vehicles - New Zealand - Tararua District 2
- Horticultural Science 14
- Horticulture 30
- Horticulture equipment 3
- Hostel life 15
- Incinerator 3
- Incinerators - New Zealand - South Waikato District - Tokoroa 4
- Indoor Basketball 3
- International students 3
- Irish immigrants - New Zealand 8
- Japan. Trade delegation (New Zealand) 5
- Jubilee 7
- Kau 3
- Kāhui ākonga onamata 8
- Lake 3
- Library - Massey Agricultural College 8
- Library - displays 2
- Library catalogue 4
- Library services 36
- Library staff 11
- Library users 4
- Local history 13
- MURFC 32
- Main Building, Massey Agricultural College 16
- Main Building, Massey University 13
- Main Drive - Manawatū campus 10
- Main Drive - Massey Agricultural College 25
- Manawatu River - Flood 61
- Manawatu storm - 1936 44
- Manufacturing process - Butter 319
- Manufacturing process - Casein 113
- Manufacturing process - Cheese 240
- Manufacturing process - Cream 4
- Manufacturing process - Dairy products - Marketing 17
- Manufacturing process - Dried milk 37
- Manufacturing process - Leather 21
- Manufacturing process - Meat 21
- Manufacturing process - Meat products 21
- Manufacturing process - Milk 14
- Manufacturing process - Milk powder 54
- Manufacturing process - Milk skimming 20
- Manufacturing process - Milk, Dried 4
- Manufacturing process - Sawmilling 5
- Manufacturing process - Slipe skins 21
- Manufacturing process - Wooden box making 81
- Manufacturing process - Wooden boxes 5
- Massey Agricultural College 19
- Massey Agricultural College - alumni 4
- Massey Agricultural College Men's Hockey 7
- Massey Agricultural College Women's Hockey 8
- Massey Agricultural College staff 5
- Massey Agricultural College student body 8
- Massey College Men's Hockey 5
- Massey University A.F.C 3
- Massey University Association Football Club 4
- Massey University Printery 3
- Massey University Rugby Football Club 40
- Men's hockey 11
- Military officers - New Zealand 4
- Milk 5
- Milk - Transportation - New Zealand 3
- Milk Marketing Board of Great Britain reception, 24 November 1965 5
- Milk processing 3
- Milk transportation - New Zealand - Manawatu District 3
- Milk transportation - New Zealand - Tararua District - Ngawapurua 5
- Miraka 3
- Modernist architecture 13
- Movies 5
- Mr Hayato Ikeda's visit to New Zealand, October 1963 15
- Māra 93
- New Zealand - Manawatu District - Makino - Directors 3
- New Zealand Army Military life anecdotes 3
- New Zealand Dairy Board 3
- New Zealand Dairy Board - Receptions